Winter Storm Hits Upper Midwest With Heavy Snow as South Shivers

C’est déjà l’hiver dans le Midwest (Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, South Dakota, même au Colorado entre autres) aux Etats-Unis mais ça concerne presque tout le pays c’est dingue. Ca arrive plus tôt que prévu.
It’s already winter in the Midwest (Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, South Dakota, even in Colorado among others) in the United States but it concerns almost the entire country it’s crazy. It happens sooner than expected.

NBC News :

18 Excellent Gifts for Kids That Aren’t Even Toys

All of us who have children have too many toys scattered throughout the house. No matter how diligent we are about keeping them at bay, it seems to be a constant fight. It’s especially hard when special days come and we want to give gifts to our children, or grandparents want to give gifts.

Gifts are good things!

But, too much of anything isn’t good.

A great way to combat having too many toys is to shift all the gifts to non-toy items.

The Huffington Post (English) :

La semaine du 1er au 7 novembre en images / This Week in Pictures: Nov. 1- Nov.-7

La semaine du 1er au 7 novembre en images dans le monde


This Week in Pictures: Nov. 1- Nov.-7 in the world

ABC News :

News Wrap: HHS lowers estimate for 2015 health care enrollment | PBS NewsHour

News Wrap: HHS lowers estimate for 2015 health care enrollment | PBS NewsHour.