Readers’ wildlife photos

Why Evolution Is True

We have photos from four readers today, including me. The first is from regular Diana MacPherson, who’s photographing the young Eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus) that frequent her yard. She sent a series of three photos of a juvenile nomming a seed. As always, Diana is concerned about the animal’s facial expression and what emotions it conveys:
I believe this chipmunk is one of the babies. He was happily hoovering up sunflower seeds left on the deck for him when the mangy guy came and he hid then chased the mangy guy but must’ve lost because mangy guy returned.
Here he eats and opens the seeds. You can see how he peels back the seed in the second photo. The last photo is cute because you can see how his little hands appear and how he knits them together. Chipmunks always seem worried to me and the way they hold…

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