Mobile Google apps – now they’re just showing off

History Tech

I think Microsoft hit a Google nerve. Just weeks after Microsoft posted new mobile tools for its office suite, Google comes back with handy mobile apps for each of its Google Drive tools – Docs, Sheets, and Slides.

The Drive app is still around and still a handy place to store your stuff but the individual mobile apps make it easier to find, edit, and create documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. Starting today, you can download standalone mobile apps for Docs and Sheets – with Slides apparently coming soon.

So. Need to mess with a document?

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Facebook backs App Links for app-to-app linking on mobiles


At its F8 conference on Wednesday , Facebook(s fb) said we need a better way to move between links and apps on mobile devices. Indeed we do, as it’s no fun getting bounced around from one app only to open another for a short bit and then have to find our way back to the original app. Enter App Links : An open-source effort to make mobile linking a more seamless experience.

app links

The idea of hitting a link in one app to open another isn’t new. What App Links appears to be is a standardized way to do this going forward through metadata tags and a centralized repository of APIs that Facebook is indexing. It already supports Apple’s(s aapl) iOS, Google’s(s goog) Android and Microsoft(s msft) Windows Phone platforms.

So what does this « app to app linking » promise bring? A better end-user experience for one:

The idea here is that instead of…

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Google introduces standalone apps for docs and spreadsheets


Google’s(s goog) suite of office apps has long had a home on mobile devices through Google Drive, but on Wednesday the company introduced standalone apps for Google Docs and Google Spreadsheets. According to a post on the official Google Blog, Slides, Google’s presentation app, is coming soon.

Users can still browse and edit your documents through the Drive app, but eventually they’ll be prompted to download the standalone apps when editing or creating a document in Drive. The new apps are functionally identical to the implementation inside the Drive app, which will be relegated to organization and viewing duties.

The move comes at a time when several companies are deciding to distribute features into separate apps. Google’s decision to break up the Drive app comes shortly after Facebook announced plans to break Messenger out of its main app. Last month Microsoft finally brought Office to the iPad, and it chose to break spreadsheets, documents, and…

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LT Motorwerks Open House 2014

Words by Matt Willis

In spite of missing this event last year, I conveniently found myself in the SGV at the time of this year’s LTMW Open House meet – so I decided to stop by. Tim had covered this event for the past two years, and each time I go back through the archived coverage I felt like I missed out on seeing some very nice BMW builds.

However, I have to say I didn’t feel the same way while I was in attendance this year. I felt lost, confused, and just a tad uncomfortable – like I do at most car meets in general. Not to bag on LT Motorwerks at all; in fact, I have fallen in love with several of their sponsored builds. It was just, the meet itself seemed in disarray. I found myself wondering where the original BMW following even was. But since the…

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Baby Sleep Sack and Blanket

you and mie

My second Miss Matatabi Makers post is up on Miss Matatabi today!  I’m sharing what I made with that cozy triple gauze!

Triple Gauze Baby Set by you & mie

Triple Gauze Blanket by you & mie

It’s a sleep sack and blanket for the baby, but honestly, I’m jealous!!

Check out all the details and more pics on Miss Matatabi and her selection of triple gauze!

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