Abbas with two constituencies, two messages

ArchitectGuy on Israel

Abbas Appeals For Calm, More Killing
October 8, 2015

“Violence is not our way,” stressed Abbas. “Now go forth and defend Jerusalem with all your might, for every drop of blood spilled there is sacred!” 

Ramallah, October 7 – Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas attempted to reduce tensions with Israel today after more than a week of deadly violence, calling on his people to halt the escalation and to keep killing Jews. In a televised address to the Palestinian people, Abbas stressed the importance of maintaining stability and order, and of offing as many Jews as possible by whatever means, including stabbing them, running them over, shooting them, stoning them, or even lynching them, as nearly occurred this morning (Wednesday) in Jerusalem. A calm situation, stressed the president, should remain their goal, and in the process of restoring calm, the Palestinian people should seek the deaths…

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