Star Wars: The Force Awakens Teaser Is… Eh

JJ Abrams behind the scenes Star Wars Force Awakens

So, you’ve probably already seen it.  No?  Well, here is today’s hot-outta-the-oven teaser for the new Star Wars movie coming next year…

With J.J. Abrams at the head, I already wasn’t too interested, and this teaser has done nothing to change that.  It really doesn’t look very good, to me: the guy popping up in the beginning (as someone on Reddit mentioned) makes it feel like a parody trailer, the computer graphics are strong.. and obvious, and the camerawork feels modern and lame.

Folks are losing their minds over this teaser, though (their MINDS, I tells ya!), but I hope, for their sake, that it’s not another Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.  I remember when the trailers hit for that movie, and I had a chat with a couple of my friends who were really excited by it.  Their nostalgic hope made them look at…

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